If you are having issues finding your account, please try some of the following:
Account Number:
- If your account number has a dash, try removing it.
- If your account number has two leading ones, try adding a dash in between (1-1).
Please make sure that you have entered your name correctly. Names may be in different formats, i.e. Jeffrey vs Jeff, Richard vs Rick, etc. If you still have access to your Sirius XM account online, login and see how your name is listed. If you can no longer access your account online, please consider the following:
- Has your last name changed? If so, try both your current and previous name.
- Is there a space, hyphen, or other symbol in your name? If so, please try entering your name with or without these symbols.
- Have you moved? If so, you should login using your prior ZIP code.
- Did you purchase your Sirius XM account with a business card? If so, you should login using the ZIP code for your business address.
- Have you tried entering your ZIP code as a 9-digit length if the 5-digit length is not working? Example: 972083266 vs. 97208?